Our Mission

The first question in the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Confession of Faith asks, "What is the chief end of man?" We would answer that question by saying that it is our desire to forever bring glory to God and to increase our enjoyment of Him each and every day.

We want to be a part of increasing His glory by proclaiming the Gospel, the good news, of Jesus Christ to ourselves, our families and our neighbors.
The enjoyment of God begins with worship, by joining together with other believers to sing praises to Him, and to the study of the scriptures. At Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church we hope you will:
Discover the greatness of God in all His power, glory, and majesty. Develop a greater hunger and thirst for God and His Word.
Cultivate a responsive heart that worships Him in Spirit and in truth, that longs for authentic, edifying fellowship, and that zealously extends this transforming grace to San Antonio and the world.
We offer a variety of opportunities for worship, fellowship, and growth: Sunday morning worship, Sunday School, Sunday evening service, bible study, women's bible study, single and young married's bible study, monthly prayer meeting, summer youth camp, ministries to shut-ins and to those in nursing homes. We would welcome you to ask questions about the life of the church and our mission to see Christ glorified.